Drivers who fraudulently insured their cars under false names have had their vehicles seized by police.

The Norfolk and Suffolk Roads and Armed Policing Team stopped the first vehicle, a Ford Fiesta Zetec, in Ipswich on Thursday, January 21 - saying it was “found it to be insured under a fraudulent name and address”.

The car was seized and the driver issued with a traffic offence report (TOR), which can be given to drivers for road offences and means they can be fined, docked points from their licence or sent to court for further action.

The insurers of the vehicle were also contacted so the policy could be declared void.

And later on the same day police found another car insured under a false name in Ipswich, with the driver of the BMW said to be unaware of even who the insurance policy holder was.

“@DriveInsured confirm the policy with the insurance cover to be fraudulent and cover is withdrawn,” officers Tweeted after seizing the vehicle.