Developers are analysing responses to proposals for 150 new homes on agricultural land on the edge of a Suffolk seaside town ahead of submitting formal plans.

Generator Group is preparing to submit an outline planning application for the farmland off Gulpher Road, behind Conway Close and Swallow Close in Old Felixstowe.

The site - opposite where 196 homes are currently being constructed at Laureate Fields in Ferry Road - is earmarked for development in the local plan and residents had been expecting proposals to come forward at some point in the next 15 years.

Generator is expected to submit its plans to East Suffolk Council this year following consultation on its intentions for the site.

The company said: "Generator would like to thank everyone that has taken the time to review our proposals and submit their feedback. We are currently considering all comments ahead of our application."

Although the consultation is closed, the company says it is still happy to answer any questions people may have on the plans.

East Suffolk Council says the site can "provide a natural extension" to the town without causing a detrimental impact on the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty or important views of the Deben Estuary.

It expects the development to feature a range of housing types, including bungalows, and tenures in keeping with surrounding area, be of high quality design, a maximum of two storeys high, feature open space and play facilities; and be sympathetic to the character of the area and Listed Building at Park Farm Cottages next door to the site.

Generator says one in three of the homes will be affordable properties.

It said: "The planning application will also confirm the community benefits that will be secured through the creation of the new homes, including new open space and a play area within the site, an upgrade to the existing public footpath, and assisting with the delivery of the new leisure centre, sports facilities, schools and bus services in the North Felixstowe Garden Neighbourhood."

Details of the site layout and the appearance of the new homes will follow after the application for outline planning permission has been decided.