Students across Ipswich collected their GCSE results today, ahead of going on to further education at colleges and sixth forms across the county.

Students at Stoke High School were happy with their results, as they collected them on Thursday morning.

One student, Phoebe Mills, got a 9 in biology and an 8 in physics. She said: "I am absolutely over the moon with my results.

Ipswich Star: Nikolaos Comandarui, Pawel Sliwinski and Aaman Hussain from Stoke High School.Nikolaos Comandarui, Pawel Sliwinski and Aaman Hussain from Stoke High School. (Image: Tom Cann)

Ipswich Star: Phoebe Mills from Stoke High School will be going to One Suffolk College to study Maths, Chemistry and BiologyPhoebe Mills from Stoke High School will be going to One Suffolk College to study Maths, Chemistry and Biology (Image: Tom Cann)

"I am going to Suffolk One to study maths, biology and chemistry."

Headteacher, Mr Andrew Robinson said: "We're thrilled with our results this year.

"Our students have worked incredibly hard and deserve everything they have achieved.

Ipswich Star: Students in Ipswich were delighted with their GCSE resultsStudents in Ipswich were delighted with their GCSE results (Image: Tom Cann)

Ipswich Star: Zara Dermott, Imaani Clements and Emily Green from Stoke High SchoolZara Dermott, Imaani Clements and Emily Green from Stoke High School (Image: Tom Cann)

"I'd like to thank our staff for going over and above these past few years."

Elsewhere, there was lots of success at Chantry Academy, with a playground full of young people celebrating their results together.

One student, Landon Howes-Titchmarsh, said: "I am very pleased. I put a lot of work into them, science especially.

Ipswich Star: GCSE results day at Chantry Academy. Landon Daniel Howes-Titchmarsh is pleased with his results.GCSE results day at Chantry Academy. Landon Daniel Howes-Titchmarsh is pleased with his results. (Image: Sarah Lucy Brown)

Ipswich Star: GCSE results day at Chantry Academy. Head of School at Chantry Academy, Rick Hanson with Charlie Webster, who also received a Resilience Award from the school.GCSE results day at Chantry Academy. Head of School at Chantry Academy, Rick Hanson with Charlie Webster, who also received a Resilience Award from the school. (Image: Sarah Lucy Brown)

"There were sleepless nights, but I ended up getting straight 8's for science and computer science.

Principal Rick Hanson said: "There has been some incredible results for lots of students.

"I think it is a real success story in how they have come through after these past few years. They have been difficult and some of these students have had to face some real challenges with lockdown and losing people and to still come through the other end and get results, it is a real credit to them."

Ipswich Star: GCSE results day at Chantry Academy.GCSE results day at Chantry Academy. (Image: Sarah Lucy Brown)

Ipswich Star: GCSE results day at Chantry Academy. L-R Zhuliyan Dobrev, Dorian Hammam, Kristiyan Dobrev.GCSE results day at Chantry Academy. L-R Zhuliyan Dobrev, Dorian Hammam, Kristiyan Dobrev. (Image: Sarah Lucy Brown)

Ipswich Star: GCSE results day at Chantry Academy.GCSE results day at Chantry Academy. (Image: Sarah Lucy Brown)

Two students Zhuliyan and Kristiyan, only arrived in the country two years ago from Bulgaria, and also managed to get results, despite not speaking a word of English when arriving.

At Holbrook Academy, there were great results across the board, with one student, Elsie, getting five GCSE's grade 9 and three grade 8.

She said: "I'm really happy - I worked really hard but the support that I received from the teachers has been great."

Ipswich Star: Ivan gained five grade 9's and four grade 8'sIvan gained five grade 9's and four grade 8's (Image: Holbrook Academy)

Ipswich Star: Elsie from Holbrook Academy got five GCSE's grade 9 and three grade 8.Elsie from Holbrook Academy got five GCSE's grade 9 and three grade 8. (Image: Holbrook Academy)

Another student, Ivan, came away with five grade 9's and four grade 8's, including a grade 9 in further maths.

Headteacher, Mr Maltby, said: "This year group has experienced real challenges over the past two years and yet they have demonstrated such resilience and grit. I am as proud as proud can be of our students."

At Kesgrave High School, 79% of students came away with a grade 4 or higher in English and maths.

Julia Upton, headteacher, said: "We are absolutely thrilled with the performance by Kesgrave students this year. Their efforts, and those of their teachers', have been rewarded with some fabulous results, endorsing their hard work over the last two years."

Ipswich Star: GCSE results day at Chantry Academy. Freya Barnes receiving her results.GCSE results day at Chantry Academy. Freya Barnes receiving her results. (Image: Sarah Lucy Brown)

Ipswich Star: Stoke High School kids were in delight as they opened their GCSE resultsStoke High School kids were in delight as they opened their GCSE results (Image: Tom Cann)

Twins Lushan and Arun Maudhoo achieved 15 grade 9's, three grade 8's and two grade 7's between them.

At Royal Hospital School in Ipswich, students have received the best GCSE results in the past decade. 97% of the 1,017 exams taken were graded 9-4, and over 45% were graded 9-7.

Simon Lockyer, headmaster at the school said: "I am really pleased and proud of this cohort who have had to navigate the disruption to some of their most formative educational needs.

"Congratulations to our pupils on our best GCSE results in a decade."

Two students, Daisy Clabburn and Zara Spendiff managed to get a clean sweep of grade 9's across their nine GCSE's.

At St Joseph's College in Ipswich, 92% of students got GCSE's grade 9-4 in both English and maths.

Ipswich Star: Classmates share their happiness after collecting their GCSE resultsClassmates share their happiness after collecting their GCSE results (Image: St Joseph's College)

Ipswich Star: Anna Simpson-Jacobs, flanked by drama teachers Mrs Cheryl Pethybridge and Mrs Tracey Gledhill, celebrates her 16th birthday with a fantastic set of resultsAnna Simpson-Jacobs, flanked by drama teachers Mrs Cheryl Pethybridge and Mrs Tracey Gledhill, celebrates her 16th birthday with a fantastic set of results (Image: St Joseph's College)

Deputy Principal, Mr Sacha Cinnamond, said: "This year group is chock-full of great characters who have been a pleasure to teach.

"We are delighted with their overall attainment and impressive individual successes."

Year 7's and 8's at the school also received their Foundation Project Qualification and Higher Project Qualification results, with the latter being a GCSE standard level two qualification, and gets them prepped for their GCSEs.

At Ipswich School, headmaster Nicholas Weaver said: "I am very proud of our brilliant Year 11 pupils, who have worked hard, through a combination of in-school and remote learning to achieve these excellent results today.

Ipswich Star: Students at Ipswich School collected their results this morningStudents at Ipswich School collected their results this morning (Image: Pagepix Ltd.07976 935738)

Ipswich Star: Students at Ipswich School were in high spirts collecting their resultsStudents at Ipswich School were in high spirts collecting their results (Image: Pagepix Ltd.07976 935738)

100% of pupils at Ipswich School achieved five or more GCSE's at grade 4 or above.

At Claydon High School, students were also celebrating success, with headteacher, Ms Maeve Taylor saying: "As we all know, this cohort of students has experienced significant disruption over the past three years and for them to sit exams was a great achievement but brought challenges too.

Ipswich Star: Students celebrating their GCSE results at Claydon High School.Students celebrating their GCSE results at Claydon High School. (Image: Claydon High School)

Ipswich Star: Students celebrating their GCSE results at Claydon High School.Students celebrating their GCSE results at Claydon High School. (Image: Archant 2022)

"We were hugely proud of how every student approached the assessment and examination season and their hard work has really paid off."


Kesgrave High School

  • Grade 4+ in English and maths - 79%
  • Grade 5+ in English and maths - 60%

Ipswich School

  • Grade 9 - 21.2%
  • Grade 9-8 - 43%
  • Grade 9-7 - 66.7%
  • Pupils achieved five or more GCSE's at Grade 4 or above - 100%

Royal Hospital School - Ipswich

  • Grade 9-8 - 18%
  • Grades 9-7 - 45.4%
  • Grades 9-4 - 96.6%
  • 2 pupils gained all grade 9's
  • 4 pupils gained straight 9's and 8's
  • 99.1% grade 4 or higher in English
  • 93.2% grade 4 or higher in mathematics