Children's toys, sofas and household items have been dumped near a spot close to the River Orwell.

Villagers who spotted the flytipping near The Strand in Wherstead spoke of their disappointment.

Rosie Godfrey who was among the first to report the mess said: "I didn’t know there was a tip on The Strand?"

Ms Godfrey was the first to notice the flytipping near The Strand.Ms Godfrey was the first to notice the flytipping near The Strand.  (Image: Rosie Godfrey) Jayne McGarr added: "It seems like someone is basically moving out of their house but could not be bothered to move their stuff.

"It destroys the view we have of the greenery before River Orwell, and you never like to see stuff like this just being left around in the way that it is."

Miss McGarr also noted that areas of The Strand are prone to flooding during high-tides, and when that happens some of the fly-tipped rubbish is pushed onto the road. 

"This is not the first time something like this has happened, we often see people just leave their rubbish as if it's for someone else to clean," she added. 

"I just wish people would clean up after themselves."

A spokesperson for Babergh District Council said: “Fly-tipping is a criminal offence and one that we take extremely seriously. Anyone convicted of fly-tipping could face large fines, or even be sent to prison.

“If you witness an incident of fly-tipping, you should make a note of the date and time, the location, type of waste being fly-tipped and report it to us as soon as possible via our website. 

“If it's on public land we'll clear it as quickly as possible, or if it's on private land, we'll work with the landowner to resolve."