An Ipswich man accused of trying to rape a woman has been cleared as the prosecution dramatically dropped the case against him after the defence showed the jury video footage of the alleged victim going to his bedroom and cuddling him in bed.

The footage, which was taken without the alleged victim’s knowledge by a camera in a ceiling light, showed her stroking Shahin Rahman’s hair, tickling his ear, putting her arm round him and climbing on top of him while he was lying on his back in bed.

After being shown the footage at Ipswich Crown Court by Rahman’s barrister, Steven Dyble, the woman accepted she had gone to his room and locked the door before getting into bed with him.

However, she denied having a relationship with him and claimed she had wanted him to make a telephone call for her and he had said he would do it for if she went to his room.

She accepted that at no point in the video footage had Rahman threatened her and that she hadn’t told police about voluntary visits she had made to Rahman’s accommodation.

Rahman, of St Helen’s Street, denied three offences of attempted rape, two offences of sexual assault, putting a person in fear of violence by harassment and blackmail by making an unwarranted demand for sexual contact from the alleged victim between July last year and March this year.

The jury was directed by Judge David Wilson to return no guilty verdicts on all the charges after prosecution counsel Kate Davey offered no further evidence against Rahman on Tuesday.

She told the court that as a result of the videos, which hadn't been available to the prosecution at the start of the trial, the case had been reviewed by the Crown Prosecution Service and a decision had been made to offer no further evidence in the case.

It was alleged during the trial that before trying to rape her, Rahman said: "You’ve got nowhere else to go. You really should do what I want.”

It is alleged he chased her round her room until he caught her before sexually assaulting her.

The woman has claimed she was terrified and screamed for help after Rahman went to her accommodation and stripped her before trying to have sex with her.