Thousands have been raised to help a 13-year-old Speedway racer from Rushmere "go all the way" as she saw more race success at the weekend.

Kesgrave Social Club hosted a race night organised by family members of Demi-Blu Harris to raise funds for engine parts. 

Supporters had a flutter on a series of horse races and alongside a raffle the evening raised £2,000.

The family also received an anonymous donation of £500.

People of all ages were encouraged to try their luck betting on the horsesPeople of all ages were encouraged to try their luck betting on the horses (Image: Kevin Harris)

Roughly 200 people came to the event with Former British racing champion and Ipswich Witches rider Chris Louie also in attendance.

Kevin Harris, Miss Harris' grandfather, helped organise the event with other family members.

He said: "It went really well, there was an amazing atmosphere, Demi was quite overwhelmed.

The family received over £2000 through the fundraisierThe family received over £2000 through the fundraiser (Image: Kevin Harris) "We wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who donated, this was a fundraiser not a charity night so everyone who donated was so good to that.

"A massive thank you to Kesgrave Social Club, that didn't have to help in the way they did."

Miss Harris, 13, has been racing for four years and has become British Champion in her age group.

She has also taken to riding 150cc bikes where she is outperforming more experienced racers. 

Demi Blu Harris finished 2nd in her most recent raceDemi Blu Harris finished 2nd in her most recent 250cc race (Image: Kevin Harris) But the step up to more powerful engines has proven costly as 250cc engines are more expensive and harder to find. 

The day after the fundraiser, Miss Harris finished second overall in her latest race, whilst being the only girl to compete in the race.

"She is coming on really well, the money from the night will go towards getting another engine and frame set up for her.

"Now we just need to focus on getting some more full time sponsors."