A woman has told a court an Ipswich man accused of raping and blackmailing her was "emotionally managing her".

Giving evidence during the trial of Shahin Rahman at Ipswich Crown Court the alleged victim admitted he had given her underwear but denied being in a sexual relationship with him.

The woman has claimed that she was terrified and screamed for help after Rahman went to her accommodation and stripped her before trying to have sex with her.

Cross-examined by defence counsel Steven Dyble the woman denied lying about the allegations.

She accepted that she had gone to London and had lunch and went shopping with Rahman after the alleged attempted rape.

She said: "He was emotionally managing me. It was affecting me mentally. There was no way out. I was in a maze”.

She accepted there was an occasion when she had gone to a hotel room with Rahman to do a pregnancy test that he had bought.

 Rahman, of St Helen’s Street, has denied three offences of attempted rape, two offences of sexual assault, putting a person in fear of violence by harassment and blackmail by making an unwarranted demand for sexual contact from the alleged victim.

The offences are alleged to have been committed between July last year and March this year.

 Rahman allegedly told the victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, if she did not comply with his sexual demands then she would owe him “vast” amounts of money,

The court heard that before he tried to rape her: “You’ve got nowhere else to go. You really should do what I want”.

It was alleged that Rahman would chase the woman around her room until he could catch her and then sexually assault her.

He would also allegedly take her phone and go through all her WhatsApp messages.

When the alleged victim texted a male friend Rahman is said to have been “livid”, the court was told.

The trial continues.