An Ipswich mum plagued by mould caused by extensive water damage that happened three years ago is finally set to see repair works to her property.

Amina Begum has been living in her home in the Alexandra area of Ipswich for the past 20 years.

However, she has been struggling with extensive mould for the past three years, after a leak in her upstairs bathroom caused extensive damage, with water running down the walls.

It took some time to identify the source of the leak, explained Miss Begum, 59.

Once workers from Sanctuary Housing had identified the damaged pipe, they repaired the damage – but the resulting dampness has continued to be a problem ever since.

The water damage was caused by a leaking pipe, which has in turn caused extensive mould.The water damage was caused by a leaking pipe, which has in turn caused extensive mould. (Image: Amina Begum) The damp is so bad in places that Miss Begum is fearful of turning on the lights.The damp is so bad in places that Miss Begum is fearful of turning on the lights. (Image: Amina Begum) The water damage was originally caused by a leaking pipe in an upstairs bathroom. The water damage was originally caused by a leaking pipe in an upstairs bathroom. (Image: Amina Begum)

Miss Begum said that she has tried repeatedly to clean and remove the mould herself and reported the issue when it persistently returned.

Although officers from the association have been out to photograph the mould and places where the paint has come away from the walls, no work has been carried out.

“It’s not too much to ask,” said Miss Begum, who also uses an inhaler for asthma. “It looks disgusting, I can’t even invite my friends round.”

However, she was pleased to report that having spoken to this paper on Tuesday morning, by the afternoon, Sanctuary had been in touch to say that an engineer would be visiting her today.

She is now hopeful that the situation can be rectified soon.

A spokesperson for Sanctuary said: “An engineer will be visiting Miss Begum’s home on Thursday 26 September and we will ensure any work required is completed as soon as possible.

“We are sorry for the delays addressing the issues in this property and can confirm that our local Housing Officer has also arranged to meet with Mrs Begum this week to discuss her concerns.”