Suffolk police has submitted its bid to turn an office building into a patient facility.

The plans were submitted to Ipswich Borough Council for the current Safer Neighbourhood Team offices in 118 Heath Road, Ipswich.

The building has been used as office space for the force since 1991, having been used by police officers as bedsitting accommodation before that.

A planning statement submitted on behalf of the constabulary said the Heath Road building was the best option to meet standards.

It said: “The proposed building design and layout have been considered to provide the best-controlled environment for evidence to be gathered from the victim.

“An additional benefit of this building is that it is in a good location for access by the public and being separate from normal police stations it provides a more comfortable experience for the victim.”

According to the planning documents, the patient facility would operate between 9am and 9pm, with the caveat it could be used until midnight "on rare occasions".

Plans predict between 10 and 16 visitors every week and between two and five members of staff on-site on a daily basis.