A former Suffolk police officer who had sexually inappropriate conversations with an alleged rape victim has been jailed for 10 months.

Ryan Althorpe, 33, of Meadow Crescent, Ipswich, was previously convicted of engaging in sexually inappropriate conversations with the alleged rape victim for his sexual gratification, and wilfully neglecting to record a disclosure of rape.

He was convicted of both misconduct offences, between November 16 and December 3, 2020 following a trial at Ipswich Crown Court.

One offence took place when Althorpe was a temporary sergeant based at Woodbridge in the Safer Neighbourhood Team. 

The court heard that Althorpe told the woman she was “sexy and cute” and "stunning" and said it would be a shame if she was put off sex because of what she claimed had happened to her.

He had also asked her to send him a picture of herself and asked for graphic details about what had happened during the alleged rape.

In a statement to the court the victim said: “He made me feel very low and unable to trust not only him but the police also as he said they might not be able to do anything.

“I felt extremely let down. He had no intention of helping me. All he was interested in was getting his own personal kicks out of it all.

“I felt used, let down and extremely low.

“I opened up to him about it all and it was for nothing.

“If it wasn’t for my son I would not be here today.

“Ryan Althorpe abused his position and neglected his duty of care.”

Defence barrister Miles Bennett said Althorpe’s behaviour was “tacky and grubby and deeply unattractive”.

However, added the offence “lasted for a relatively short period of time. It was restricted to messages. There were no threats, no coercion and no harassment”.

On top of this he said any custodial sentence would have traumatic and significant impact on his family.

Judge Emma Peters added the pride and respect of the policing profession were damaged with every misconduct conviction.