A man has denied raping a woman he met on a dating site. 

Matthew Edgerton, 31, of De Grey Road, Colchester, denies the charge of rape which allegedly occurred in March this year.

On the first day of his trial at Ipswich Crown Court, Prosecutor Christopher Kerr said the woman met Edgerton on a dating website and after a couple of weeks of conversation he came down to see her.

They went back to her flat and later had consensual sex.

The next day the woman arranged for a friend to come over and she went out with Edgerton to buy food and drinks.

The friend arrived at about 6pm and everyone got on very well, the court heard.

However, the alleged victim said to police there was the occasional red flag because one minute Edgerton would appear to be fine and then the next minute really drunk.

She added that he got “over familiar” with her friend at some points during the evening.

Eventually Edgerton fell asleep on the sofa and at 2am the friend left.

They began having sex and at that point it was consensual according to the prosecution.

It was heard Edgerton began to strangle the woman but this encounter was described as more aggressive.

Edgerton was said to have been told "no, stop" when he put his hand around her throat.

She tried to push him away but he pinned her down.

The defendant was alleged to have told the woman "tell me you love me" and “if you hurt me then I’m going to hurt you and I’m going to hurt your loved ones”.

She told her friend about the alleged incident the next month before receiving a number of messages from the defendant.

Edgerton was arrested and answered all questions with no comment.

The trial continues.