Controversial plans for the continued use of land for the parking of private ambulances are set to be reconsidered. 

An appeal has been launched by C&L Construction Limited, the applicant, against the decision by planners at Mid Suffolk District Council to refuse the proposals for land at Hemingstone Fruit Farm, near Great Blakenham. 

The application sought to continue using part of the land for the parking of private ambulances and a modular building to be used as a control room. 

Plans were refused earlier this yearPlans were refused earlier this year (Image: Google Earth)

Private ambulances, which are not emergency vehicles according to the planning statement, are already being stored at the site.

The planning statement adds: "The ambulances are stored well away from residential gardens and do no access the site close to any other residential properties."

A separate application for the continued use of land for storage associated with the company has also gone to appeal. 

The statement of case from the applicant said: "The proposals offer extended facilities for, and a diversification of, the well-established commercial activities on this site.

"This is a site that has a long history of commercial activity, including historic use as a fruit farm, and where the proposals here do not prejudice the aims of the development plan by seeking to provide commercial uses on a site where such use is established."

However, planners said it was not in accordance with policy SP05 (employment land) in its joint local plan. 

A statement said: "It is considered that the development is not in accordance with Policy SP05 as it is not a strategic employment site or located within a strategic employment corridor.

"The proposal is also considered to cause harm to the landscape as there are currently insufficient mitigation measures proposed to reduce the harm."

Final comments for the appeal are required to be filed by Wednesday, September 18. 

A decision for the application is yet to be determined.