Supporters of a self taught teenage speedway racer who can "go all the way to the top" are pulling together to support her racing ambitions.

An evening has been set up by the family of Demi-Blu Harris, from Rushmere, at Kesgrave Social Club later this month.

Miss Harris, 13, has been racing for four years and has become British Champion in her age group.

She has also taken to riding 150cc bikes where she is outperforming more experienced racers. 

However, the nearest practise circuits are in Kent and Scunthorpe, meaning the 13-year old has to rely on practicing after Ipswich Witches race days at Foxhall Stadium. 

The night aims to raise funds for Ms Harris' racing careerThe night aims to raise funds for Ms Harris' racing career (Image: Kevin Harris)

Not to mention the extremely high costs associated with motorsport.

Miss Harris is set to upgrade her bike from 150cc to 250cc but these engines are hard to come by and cost approximately £1,500 each, with spares needed.

Spiralling travel and equipment costs has inspired the family to organise the event to raise money and encourage local businesses to support her with sponsorship.

Kevin Harris, Demi's grandfather, thinks she can go all the way with a little financial support.

The 250cc engines cost £1500 themselvesThe 250cc engines cost £1500 themselves (Image: Kevin Harris)

The Kesgrave resident said: "Every sport is a bottomless pit, but 250cc engines are rare as rocking horses.

"She isn't old enough to race 500cc engines yet but she has sponsorship for when she turns 15.

"Things are looking quite good at the moment but we want to get the word out about how good she is.

Demi Blu Harris is a British racing championDemi-Blu Harris is a British racing champion (Image: Demi Blu Harris Racing)

The young racer has won British titles at under 13 and under 10 level, but Mr Harris believes she can go all the way and race professionally.

He added: "She is completely self taught, she hasn't had any training, just gets her practice laps in when she can.

"She has already beaten girls and boys who have been racing the same bikes for longer.

"She is pretty amazing really and she can go all the way to the top."

The race night will be held on Friday, September 20 at 7pm.