A 28-year-old man has been handed a year-long driving ban and told to pay out more than £200 in fines and court costs after being convicted of being behind the wheel of a car with excess drugs in his system.

Macauley Pitcher-Jolly, who is of St Andrews Close in Melton, outside Woodbridge, appeared before Suffolk Magistrates' Court in Ipswich charged with drug driving.

The incident allegedly happened on September 19 last year in Ashbocking, a village north of Ipswich, and the vehicle in question was a Volkswagen Golf.

He was accused of having excess benzoylecgonine, a cocaine by-product, in his system.

Pitcher-Jolly was handed a driving ban of 12 months after pleading guilty to the charge.

He was handed a fine of £120, told to pay costs to the Crown Prosecution Service of £50 and a surcharge of £48, meaning he has to pay out a total of £218.

A collection order was made for the sums.

Pitcher-Jolly's guilty plea was taken into consideration when magistrates decided on the sentence he was handed.