A student from Suffolk has been selected as one of the top performers in an A Level subject in the country before she heads to work for a major international finance company.

Elizabeth West, 18 from Kesgrave, achieved two A*s and an A in her A Levels at Kesgrave High School and has recently found out she is one of the top performers in Computer Science.

She has been invited to attend an award ceremony to help celebrate her achievements.

She said: "It feels like all my hard work has paid off.

"I am so grateful to my teachers because I couldn't have got through the course without them. It's a challenging course and historically our school hasn't had the best of luck with it, but my computer science teachers were amazing.

"I'm happy that all the past papers I had to do paid off in the end and the grades were better than I needed to go onto what I am doing next."

Miss West is to start a degree apprenticeship at finance giants J.P. Morgan in September, working in their technology centre in Bournemouth.

Elizabeth WestElizabeth West (Image: Kesgrave High School)

She said: "I'm really nervous but I am excited to be thrown in at the deep end and learn.

"I was at Kesgrave High School for seven years. It was amazing but it is all I have known.

"It's great that I am starting a role where I am able to learn while doing and learn from people in the industry."

Julia Upton, headteacher at Kesgrave High School, said: "We are thrilled, but not surprised that Elizabeth has been selected for this accolade.

"Her work in computer science has always been exceptional.

"She has taken a keen interest in the subject from her very first years at Kesgrave and has gone beyond the boundaries of the examination content in her interest and exploration of the subject.

"As a hardworking and passionate student, she is very much deserving of this award and we have no doubt that she will be one to watch in terms of her future career."