A Suffolk businesswoman who rushed with other rescuers into a burning house to evacuate a family, including a 101-year-old, before they were overcome by smoke, said she was acting on "natural instinct".

Sarah Woods, from Great Blakenham, was visiting Felixstowe for a day out with her daughter, grandchildren and friend Lisa Taylor on August 8 when she helped to evacuate the occupants of a blazing home in Langer Road.

The blaze ripped through the roof of the three-storey property shortly before midday, with fire crews from Woodbridge, Orford, Leiston and Clare attending the incident.

READ MORE: Fire crews tackling blaze at home in Langer Road, Felixstowe

She had met her friend Lisa, who has a caravan at Felixstowe Beach Holiday Park and they were walking down Beach Station Road in the direction of Langer Road when Sarah saw smoke billowing into the air.

She said: "I just thought they probably had a bonfire or barbecue in the garden. We crossed over Langer Road and could see the balcony bit was on fire and I just ran over with Lisa and banged on the door."

After evacuating the children and their mother, Sarah, who runs Speedy Irons laundry service, was told by the mother that there was a 101-year-old lady upstairs, so she rushed up and found the lady in a bedroom on the right after being confronted by flames in front of her at the top of the stairs.

READ MORE: Fire started in the roof of home in Langer Road, Felixstowe

Sarah Woods, right, pictured with her friend Lisa Taylor, who helped to rescue a family from a burning house in FelixstoweSarah Woods, right, pictured with her friend Lisa Taylor, who helped to rescue a family from a burning house in Felixstowe (Image: Submitted) A man called Jeff, who had joined in the rescue effort, carried the lady down the stairs just as smoke was starting to fill the house.

"I ran up the stairs and the fire was in front of me and she was literally in the bedroom to the right. She was right next to where the fire was. It was quite scary to think of what could have happened," Sarah added.

The family were initially evacuated to the premises of independent mobility service Felixstowe Mobility Centre, before going to the Dolphin hotel in Beach Station Road.

READ MORE: Pictures show devastating damage to Felixstowe home after fire

READ MORE: Felixstowe news

"By the time we went up the stairs, I would say that the flames were as high as the door frame and the house was starting to fill with smoke, which was why it was so urgent to get the lady out," Sarah said.

She added she tried not to look at the fire and "just blanked it out" as she ran to help the lady.

"I just did it and did not think about it. It is just a natural instinct," she said.

Nobody was hurt during the blaze and Langer Road was closed for approximately three hours while firefighters dealt with the blaze in a row of terraced houses.