VILLAGERS and shareholders in Washbrook gathered at the Brook Inn to celebrate the 10th anniversary of buying the local pub.

The community-owned pub was purchased in 2014 after a near 18-month fundraising campaign when it was threatened with closure.

Resident Peter Jensen and James Cartlidge opened the community owned Brook Inn at Washbrook 10 years agoResident Peter Jensen and James Cartlidge opened the community owned Brook Inn at Washbrook in 2015 (Image: Archant)

Board member Andrew Burl said the evening was a fitting celebration to mark the occasion. “It doesn’t seem like 10 years ago that we bought the Brook – there’s been a lot of water under the bridge since then and a lot of changes.

“The early years were a bit of a challenge but the community in Copdock and Washbrook really pulled together to first raise the money, help renovate the pub and then support it through the difficult times of Covid.

“I think we can be very proud of what’s been achieved. The Brook Inn is busy, offers great food and is an important part of the community.”

The free house was bought in a community buy-out for £290,000 in August 2014 after an 18-month fundraising effort. In all, the Back the Brook Ltd company – set up to buy the pub – raised  £400,000 via around 110 shareholders with shares costing £250 each.

In the early years, the pub was managed but for the last six years it has been tenanted with the pub gaining a top reputation for food and high positions on websites such as TripAdvisor. It’s particularly popular for its gluten-free menu with around 95% of its food adhering to GF standards.

The celebration evening included a barbecue and live music in the revamped garden area.

Mr Burl added: “I’d like to thank everyone who came along – it was a great night.”