A sexual offender had a history of approaching girls and asking about their height and shoe size prior to groping a girl on an east Suffolk bus, a court heard.

Lee Sheldrake, of no fixed abode, had been the subject of 23 different complaints between December 2020 and September 2023 for approaching girls and asking about their feet and touching them without their consent.

Ipswich Crown Court heard on Wednesday that on September 18, 2023, Sheldrake had touched the leg and cupped the breast of a girl after she had boarded the number 75 bus from a stop outside The Palace cinema in Crescent Road, Felixstowe.

As well as this sexual assault, he was also being sentenced for a second sexual assault where he touched the bottom of a staff nurse at the Broadland Clinic in Norfolk, which supports people with autism and learning disorders, on March 14 this year.

During the hearing, Judge Martyn Levett called for discussion of the establishment of a text messaging service for young women and girls to report offences because currently many don't know where to turn for help.

"We are committed to tackling sexual harassment and sexual assault and working closely to ensure that these offences are not committed and people feel safe," he added.

Richard White, prosecuting, told the court the female bus passenger sat at the back next to the window on her left, while Sheldrake was sat on pull-down disabled seats at the front, but he subsequently got up and moved to sit next to her in the seat to her right.

He began asking her questions about her height and age and moved closer to her "to the point where he was almost on top of her," Mr White said.

READ MORE: Man charged after touching teenage girl on Felixstowe bus

Judge Martyn Levett said there was an overwhelming need to ensure that young women and girls feel safe on public transportJudge Martyn Levett said there was an overwhelming need to ensure that young women and girls feel safe on public transport (Image: Ipswich Crown Court) Sheldrake then asked her to stand up next to him and if he could touch her legs and feet, before proceeding to touch and "fiddle with" the right side of her shoe.

He then commented on her "nice legs" and on the size of her breasts.

Mr White said: "She said she was right up against the window trying to get away from him, feeling uncomfortable and scared. She thought about leaving the bus, but thought he would follow her."

READ MORE: Suffolk news

Eventually, Sheldrake left the bus at Trimley saying he was going to go to church, although it was a Monday and there were no church services.

The second offence happened at the Broadland Clinic, when Sheldrake, who has autism, learning disorders and schizophrenia, reached out "without saying anything" and cupped the bottom of a staff nurse "for a few seconds before walking off".

Mr White said: "She asked if that was on purpose and he replied 'no' before walking off giggling."

Judge Martyn Levett reflected on media reports of a 33% increase in sexual offences against young women and girls on public transport across the country.

He said: "Ipswich and Felixstowe is not immune from these offences and if we are to encourage the public back into our towns and public spaces there is an overwhelming need to ensure that young women and girls are safe on public transport and it is important that they don't feel unsafe and vulnerable."

Sentencing was adjourned to enable psychiatric reports to be prepared on Sheldrake and to determine whether to make a sexual harm prevention order.