Lanterns are set to be released on Felixstowe seafront this evening to remember a 26-year-old mum-of-three.

Courtney Mitchell, 26, died on Tuesday evening in Burrell Road in Ipswich after she suffered stab wounds.

The mum-of-three would have turned 27 today, so her family have organised a tribute to her, to release lanterns into the sky at 8.25pm - the same time she was born.

This is to take place opposite Mannings Amusements on Felixstowe beach.

A social media post said: "Everyone is welcome to do this.

"Wherever you are at 8.25pm, hold her in your thoughts at this time."

The lanterns will be released after her family paid tribute to her, stating: "Her contagious smile lit up any room and her laughter was the sweetest sound in our home. Her kindness had no limits, she was always there for everybody, family, friend, or stranger.

“She was a daughter, granddaughter, a mummy, a sister, niece, aunty, cousin and a best friend to all. She had time for everybody and would go above and beyond the scale to help others in need and always offered support in any way possible."

Logan Burnett, 27, appeared in court earlier today where he was charged Courtney's murder.