The county's police commissioner has visited an Ipswich community hub to learn more about how they engage with the community.

Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner, Tim Passmore attended a youth drop in session at its Priory Centre, in Queen's Way. 

The Nacton and Gainsbourgh Youth Drop in Session (NG) is run by Christian Youth Ministries, and facilitated and part funded by The Salvation Army.

After meeting CEO Simon Scott and community worker Beth Ambrose of Christian Youth Ministries, and Major Andrew Jarrold of Salvation Army, Mr Passmore spent time with Shamaila Waddle, the manager of the Priory Centre.

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Mrs Waddle said: “It was a rare privilege and honour for us to welcome a senior government representative at the Ipswich Priory Centre."

She spoke on how engagements like these inspired the Centre to explore future opportunities with government offices to uplift the community.

She also highlighted the range of activities the centre offers throughout the week including a craft group, lunch club and Art for Fun sessions aimed at positively impacting local citizens, particularly those from vulnerable backgrounds.