Police are reminding the public to remove belongings from their vehicles after a wallet was stolen from a car in Ipswich.

The incident happened between 2am and 7am last Friday (July 26) in Nacton.

The car was parked in Levington Road near Holywells Park, when an unknown person smashed the car window to get into the vehicle.

Suffolk police has warned drivers to take care when storing items in their vehicles.

A Suffolk police spokesman said: "Your mobile phone, coins for the car park, sunglasses, packs of medication or other items that can earn quick cash are irresistible to the opportunist thief.

"Remember, the cost of replacing a window is often much more than that of what’s stolen.

"And it should go without saying that wallets, handbags, purses and credit cards should never be left in an unattended vehicle."

Anyone with any information about this theft, should contact Suffolk police, quoting crime reference number 37/42652/24.