One of Suffolk's most high-profile clergymen, Rev Andrew Dotchin, is preparing for a new two-year challenge before retirement.

Mr Dotchin, who has been Vicar of St John's Church in Felixstowe since 2015, is to take on a short-term role as priest in charge of Kesgrave with Playford and Little Bealings from the beginning of October.

That parish has had challenges over recent years and this bubbled into a row over a coffee shop in Little Bealings church earlier this year.

The parish has been without a priest in charge for several months but now Mr Dotchin has agreed to take it on for two years to prepare the way for a new permanent appointment.

He said: "I'm going there to be a cheerleader for the parish. To get to really know the people and find out what they want to take it forward."

Before moving to Felixstowe, Mr Dotchin was vicar at Whitton in Ipswich for many years and he is also chaplain to many organisations.

He also does the Thought for Today slot on Suffolk Sound's breakfast show with Rob Dunger.

He said: "This new job is the first time I've worked somewhere for a fixed time - I'm going to Kesgrave for two years to help the parish get ready for a new full-time priest. 

"I've worked in rural parishes, in parishes in big town and now I'm going to be working somewhere that has a bit of both. I'm looking forward to it."

Mr Dotchin leaves Felixstowe at the end of September and starts in Kesgrave in the first week of October.

Ven Rich Henderson, Archdeacon of Suffolk, said: "I am delighted that Andrew is taking up the post of interim priest in charge for Kesgrave, Little Bealings and Playford.

"Over the next two years Andrew will be there to support the churches in what they do and how they serve the community.

"Andrew brings years of ministry experience to this new role, which is one of leadership with a focus on encouraging and enabling others.