An Ipswich cleaning crew have their eyes on the APSE Service Awards 2024.

Ipswich Borough Council’s street cleansing team are finalists for the Best Service Team: Waste, Recycling and Streetscene of the year award.

This marks the second time they have been nominated for this prestigious award.

On the recent achievement, Phil Smart, Ipswich Borough Council portfolio holder for environment and transport, said: "We are very proud to see our street cleansing team have been nominated for the second year for this national award.

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“Our dedicated frontline staff take a lot of pride in the work they do, working in all weathers to keep our streets looking their best, so it’s great to see their hard work recognised once again.”

APSE chief executive, Mo Baines, said: “Frontline services have a profound impact on people’s day-to-day lives, and APSE is proud to give local authorities the recognition they deserve through the Annual Service Awards."

The winners will be announced at the APSE Annual Charity Awards Dinner, which aids Parkinson’s UK, on September 12 at the Mercure Bristol Grand Hotel.