An Albanian drug dealer who returned to the UK after being deported and was caught driving with a fake licence in Ipswich has been jailed for six months.

Edison Dautaj was stopped by police in Hawthorn Drive earlier this year and showed officers a Bulgarian driving licence which turned out to be false, Ipswich Crown Court heard.

Checks revealed that Dautaj had been deported last year after being convicted of a drug offence.

In a prepared statement after his arrest, Dautaj said his earlier trip to the UK  had left him with a large amount of debt.

He said he’d returned to the UK in breach of the deportation order because he had no way of repaying the debt other than by working in the UK.

He said he’d paid £100 for the fake driving licence.

Dautaj, 28, of no fixed address, admitted having a false identity document with intent and driving without a licence and insurance.

In addition to being jailed, he was banned from driving for nine months.

The court heard that last year Dautaj was jailed for 28 months for possessing cocaine with intent to supply and having a false identity document. He was on licence when he committed the current offence of having a false identity document.