A man who was holding a metal pole when he pushed his partner back on to a bed in a fight about the mess a puppy had made has been given a suspended sentence.

The victim, who lives in Ipswich, had tried to defend herself with her forearms and suffered minor injuries including scratches as a result of the incident, Ipswich Crown Court heard.

Before the court on Thursday, July 25, was Gavin Walker, of no fixed address, who admitted assault causing actual bodily harm.

He was given a nine month prison sentence suspended for two years and a 20 day rehabilitation activity requirement.

He was also ordered to attend 40 sessions of an accredited programme and was banned from contacting the victim or going to Cheshire Close, Ipswich, for ten years.

Sentencing 45-year-old Walker, Judge David Wilson said he had walked towards his partner holding the metal bar horizontally in both hands and pushed her back on the bed.

He had “been in her face” and accused her of  "enjoying triggering him”.

She was worried he was going for her neck and had tried to defend herself with her forearms and suffered minor injuries.

Simeon Wallis, prosecuting, said that the victim, who had been in an on off relationship with Walker had noticed he had become more volatile after the death of a family member.

On March 15 Walker woke up and went into the kitchen where his partner was clearing up mess a puppy he had bought had made.

They started arguing and Walker had walked out while she went to the bedroom.

He had then entered the bedroom holding a metal bar and pushed her back on the bed.

Simon Gladwell for Walker said his relationship with his partner had been falling apart before the assault in March this year but he had nowhere else to live.

“He is sad about how this incident happened and that it happened at all, “ said Mr Gladwell.