Concerns around anti-social behaviour, prostitution and drugs near a food store seeking permission to sell alcohol has been raised.

Imperio Food Stores is set to open in the former Just A Day Bridal shop in Norwich Road, serving a variety of European foods.

In May, the new owners applied for an alcohol license for the premises, serving between 7am and 10pm Monday to Sunday.

In a report to the licensing committee, Suffolk Constabulary said 165 reports were made in the Norwich Road area, of which 85 related to anti social behaviour, 30 to drugs, 10 to offensive weapons and one to prostitution between June 25 last year and June 24 2024.

The police stated: "There are continuing issues in regards to anti-social behaviour and crime in the area, such as ASB, robberies, prostitution, assaults, drugs, groups loitering, noise and litter.

They also stated that there are ongoing issues with approximately 20-30 males who loiter during the day and at night around the immediate vicinity of the new store, with concerns that these premises and its potential off sales of alcohol would "only encourage more people to congregate."

The force said the store's application in its current form "does not contain sufficient detail or sufficient assurances that the licencing objectives will not be compomised".

They added the high number of businesses within an approximate quarter of a mile radius that have an alcohol premises licence already.

Currently, approximately 35 premises in the area have an off sales alcohol licence, with around 16 of those being European food stores and off licences.

Imperio Food Stores is moving into the former Just A Day Bridal shop in Norwich RoadImperio Food Stores is moving into the former Just A Day Bridal shop in Norwich Road (Image: Elisabeth Wilson)

Suffolk police said should Ipswich Borough Council licensing committee decide to grant the application, CCTV would need to be installed and maintained.

It added other conditions including that the viewing of recordings should be made available to the police on request, an incident log needs to be kept and training should be in place for staff around the sale of alcohol and the Challenge 25 policy.

Ipswich Borough Council's licensing committee is to discuss the application at a meeting on July 30.