An Ipswich drug dealer who was found in possession of £11,000 cash and drugs with a street value of £15,000 has been jailed for three years and nine months.

Police stopped 32-year-old Laurence Margerum as he was driving a Peugeot in Springland Close last June and saw him drop a £40 wrap of cocaine, Ipswich Crown Court heard.

Police found a mobile phone and £500 cash in the vehicle and Margerum was arrested for drug driving after a saliva test proved positive for cannabis and cocaine.

When police searched his home they found cocaine weighing 143g  with a potential street value of £15,000 in a tub in a fridge.

Police also found messages on his phone which indicated his involvement in the supply of cocaine, said Charles Judge, prosecuting.

The court heard that in February 2021 police stopped Margerum in Main Road in Kesgrave while he was driving a Vauxhall Astra.

 Margerum was jailed at Ipswich Crown Court Margerum was jailed at Ipswich Crown Court (Image: Suffolk police)

A drug wipe tested positive for cocaine and when he was taken to a police station officers found £11,000 in a carrier bag.

Margerum, of Woodbridge Road, Ipswich, admitted being concerned in the supply of cocaine, possession of criminal property, possession of cocaine, possession with intent to supply cocaine and being concerned in the supply of cocaine.

Jailing him, Judge David Wilson said he had become involved in the supply of drugs to supplement his significant drug addiction and to make a significant profit.

Simon Gladwell for Margerum said his client had two previous convictions for drug driving arising out of the two occasions he was stopped by police in tge current case.

He said Margerum had started drinking and using cocaine after the break-up of a relationship in 2019.

Mr Gladwell said his client was very sorry for his involvement in the supply of drugs and was prepared to serve a jail sentence.