A mother-of-two says she was "horrified" and "scared" to find a razor sticking out of a bench in an Ipswich park that her family frequently use. 

Kylie Garrard, 41, was taking a short stroll through Cherry Lane Park in east Ipswich with her friend Sharna on Thursday when she came across something that made her "nearly faint".

As her friend Sharna, who was wearing shorts, was about to sit down, Mrs Garrard noticed a sharp-looking black object wedged into the bench.

Kylie Garrard spotted the razor wedged in the bench just before her friend sat downThe pair spotted a sharp razor blade wedged in the bench just before they were going to sit down (Image: Kylie Garrard)

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She then suddenly shouted at her friend to be careful and they discovered a razor wedged in the bench facing upwards.

Mrs Garrard, who said she was in shock, quickly phoned the police and told them what had happened. 

Police instructed her to carefully remove the razor and dispose of it safely, and she followed their instructions.

Kylie Garrard, who has a five-year-old daughter and 13-year-old who frequently use the park, and her friend Sharna who was nearly hurt.Kylie Garrard, who has a five-year-old daughter and 13-year-old son who frequently use the park, and her friend Sharna, who was nearly hurt in the incident. (Image: Kylie Garrard)

Just moments before, the two friends had been discussing the worrying reports of razors being attached to play equipment in nearby parks, making the experience even more worrying and overwhelming.

Mrs Garrard, who saved her friend form being cut, said: "I was horrified by this experience. My friend was wearing shorts and it could have done some real damage to her leg. It made me really scared. 

READ MORE: Police warning after razor blade found attached to Ipswich park bench

"My daughter is only five years old, we often come and play in the park and sit on that bench. My son is just 13, he comes to the park to play with his friends.

Mrs Garrard and her friend Sharna were able to remove the razor blade and dispose of it Mrs Garrard and her friend Sharna were able to remove the razor blade and dispose of it (Image: Kylie Garrard)

"I nearly fainted thinking about what could have happened and I only calmed down after we had removed it.

"I just started to feel sick thinking about what if it was my kids? They could have been seriously hurt and you never know where these objects have been.

"I'd just like to say that everyone should be really careful with these things because they're so dangerous."

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A spokesman for Suffolk police said: "We are urging members of the public to remain vigilant when using any of the equipment and report any concerns."

Officers are currently investigating the incident and have undergone patrols in the area.

An Ipswich Borough Council spokesperson added: “Our parks team have been carrying out additional patrols in parks and open spaces and we can confirm nothing has been found.

"No reports have been make directly to us, however we have been advised of content on social media. The public can get in contact with the Council’s Park Protection Team with any concerns by emailing: ParkServices@ipswich.gov.uk.”