Overflowing dog poo bins are causing a stench in a part of north west Ipswich. 

The limited bins in the walkway between Bramford Road and Europa Way have meant that rubbish overflows two days after the council collects it, according to a resident. 

He added that dog walkers are now leaving their dog faeces bags around the bin, which has made the area stinky and an eyesore.

He said: "The area is covered with park benches, and so if you want to sit for a bit you have to deal with the stench of these bins and what people have left here."

He said the bins get filled up two days after the council collects the rubbish.He said the bins get filled up two days after the council collects the rubbish. (Image: Public)

He added that the bins are provided by a private company, which he has approached to add more bins. 

"They said it is not their job, and that I should approach the council," he added.

"So I went to the council who just said that they are investigating it, but nothing has happened yet.

"I just want more bins in the area it would really help us to not have to deal with the rubbish left behind."

He also notes that there is no signage to warn people against littering, which has meant that many people have become "lazy" and don't clean up after themselves.

Ipswich Borough Council say dog fouling is a criminal offence.Ipswich Borough Council say dog fouling is a criminal offence. (Image: Public)

Ipswich Borough Council say that dog fouling is a criminal offence and can result in fines up to £1,000.

Additionally, the council say that officers regularly patrol and can give fixed penalty notices to offenders.

The resident is a dog owner and believes that if the bins are full people "should do the responsible thing" and either look for another bin or take the bag home and dispose of it correctly instead of leaving it on the floor.