An investigation has been launched after reports a bus hit a man on the arm while he was walking with his daughter.

Charles Chatfield was walking along Stoke Park Drive in Ipswich at about 6pm last Thursday when he was clipped by an Ipswich Buses bus. 

The vehicle struck him on the arm, leaving him with shooting pains. 

The incident happened in Stoke Park DriveThe incident happened in Stoke Park Drive (Image: Google Maps)

He said: "I've got little shooting pains. It's just miraculous it didn't take my arm off. I am still in disbelief. 

"The bus swerved and hit my arm while I was walking on the path with my daughter. 

"The bus was going down the hill. It was behind me so I didn't see it. 

"I must have titanium bones."

When he got home, Mr Chatfield contemplated attending hospital but the pains gradually reduced.

Mr Chatfield, who does not drive, believes the bus may have been travelling too fast and was left in a state of shock after being hit.

The father of two added it was not the first time he had experienced an incident with an Ipswich Buses service. 

"It's not the first thing that has happened in the last month or so," he added.

"I was on a bus with my baby daughter and the driver was going around the roundabout near Chantry High School way too quick. 

"The buggy with my daughter in it toppled onto the floor. He didn't even stop.

"My daughter was fine, but it's not the only time."

A spokesman for Ipswich Buses said: “We are currently investigating the incident that occurred on the evening of Thursday, July 11 at Stoke Park Drive.

"Our team is working to gather all the facts and will take the necessary appropriate action once the investigation is complete.’’