A violent 33-year-old Ipswich man who punched, kicked and bit his former partner on the arm will be sentenced next month after he admitted assaulting her.

Before Ipswich Crown Court on Monday was Antanas Tamosaitis of Chevalier Street, Ipswich.

He pleaded guilty on what was to be the first day of his trial to assaulting his former partner causing her actual bodily harm on December 2 last year by biting her on the upper arm and assaulting her on December 30 last year by punching and kicking her.

The court heard that Tamosaitis is a Lithuanian national who has been in the UK for eight years.

Although he had seven previous convictions, including two for drink driving in 2017 and 2023, he didn’t have any for violence, the court heard.

Marc Brown for Tamosaitis said his client had been in custody for seven months.

Adjourning sentence until August 12 for a pre-sentence report, Judge Martyn Levett said that since last week’s general election judges had been encouraged to find alternative means of sentence to prison and not to keep someone in custody for longer than necessary because of prison overcrowding.

He said the defendant’s former partner said that on the two occasions he had attacked her he had drunk three quarters of a bottle of vodka.

He remanded Tamosaitis in custody until his sentencing hearing and said he hadn’t made up his mind about the sentence he was going to pass.