A dedicated care home assistant has marked 15 years of service working in Ipswich.

Chloe Kowalczyk, who began her career at MHA Norwood at only 16, has recently marked the milestone in her career journey.

Initially starting as a kitchen assistant, Chloe later became a care assistant for more than a decade, eventually reducing her hours to join the domestic team.

MHA Norwood, offering both residential and dementia care for 45 residents, recognised her dedication with a long service certificate.

Upon the celebration, Chloe said: "I started working at MHA Norwood when I was 16.

Chloe Kowalczyk has worked in the company for almost half her life Chloe Kowalczyk has worked in the company for almost half her life (Image: Submitted)

"There's a bunch of us who have been working here a long time together and we are like a family.

"The home genuinely feels like home to me."

Now 31, Chloe has spent almost half her life working at the home, admirably juggling her duties with family responsibilities.

Her commitment extends beyond her role, always prepared to help out in the kitchen, laundry or care when needed.

She added: "I really do think MHA Norwood is an amazing home, it’s run really well and I wouldn’t work in this industry anywhere else."