A school on the Shotley peninsula has attempted a new world record for the largest number of people performing the quickstep dance at once.

Royal Hospital School (RHS) in Holbrook, near Ipswich, attempted to write its name into the Guinness World Records book with the massive routine.

This attempt took place on Thursday as part of the school's Giving Day festivities.

The total number of people dancing the quickstep at the same time was recorded at 458, meaning the independent school has recorded a little bit of history.

Quickstep has been described as a light-hearted ballroom dance that is fast and powerfully flowing.

It evolved back in the 1920s from a combination of the foxtrot, Charleston, shag, peabody and one-step.

Royal Hospital School attempted the recordRoyal Hospital School attempted the record (Image: Charlotte Bond)

The event at RHS on Thursday brought together pupils, staff, governors, parents and alumni.

The entire dance routine was taught through a comprehensive tutorial video and in-person sessions led by RHS teacher David Corby along with his wife Jane, who are regular competitors in the world of ballroom dancing.

Simon Lockyer, headmaster, said: "We are incredibly proud of our community for coming together to achieve this record-breaking feat.

"The event not only showcased our school spirit bust also raised essential funds for a worthy cause."

Simon LockyerSimon Lockyer, headmaster of the school (Image: Charlotte Bond)

The RHS Giving Day current fundraising total of £124,191 contributes to the Centennial Bursary Campaign.

Mr Lockyer added: "Last year we raised over £100,000, which meant we could support 14 children coming to the school who otherwise wouldn’t be able to do so.

"This year we were even more ambitious and are delighted to have exceeded last year’s fundraising total by £20,000."

Royal Hospital School Attempts New World Record for Largest Quick Step DanceStudents tried to write their names into the history books (Image: Charlotte Bond)

Jane and David Corby who organised the eventJane and David Corby, who organised the event (Image: Charlotte Bond)

Royal Hospital School Attempts New World Record for Largest Quick Step DanceRoyal Hospital School students took part in the quickstep record attempt (Image: Charlotte Bond)