Fun glasses, made by people with learning disabilities, are being used to change perceptions in an NHS trust care service.

During Learning Disability Week, which was held last week, Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) staff at Ipswich's Walker Close were encouraged to make and don quirky spectacles.

The initiative aims to remind everyone to recognise, listen and appreciate individuals with learning disabilities.

Walker Close inpatient staff Walker Close inpatient staff (Image: Submitted)

The team works directly with individuals living with learning disabilities, referred to as 'Experts by Experience'.

Kathryn Barrow, acute learning disabilities service manager at NSFT, said: “Working closely with our expert service users has given us all a deeper understanding and appreciation of the experience of those we support."

 Freddie Allcock Expert by Experience Freddie Allcock Expert by Experience (Image: Submitted)

'Experts by Experience,’ like patient Freddie Allcock, support various projects, including staff recruitment and training, and help cultivate safer, kinder and better care.

He said: "I wanted to help after I saw the amazing work that was happening.”"

The week activities were concluded with a party, celebrating and thanking the Experts by Experience for their efforts during the campaign.