A homeowner in Ipswich has applied to the council to change the use of his residential garage to a dog grooming salon for a new business.

On Wednesday, June 26, Ipswich Borough Council's planning committee will make a decision on this application. 

The plans were submitted by Christopher Bullard of Monmouth Close, to turn half the garage into the studio, which his wife will be using for the business. 

If approved, the salon would operate from 8.30am to 6pm on weekdays. 

Proposals for five parking spaces outside the property are detailed in the plans, along with ways to dispose of waste and insulate the walls, ceiling and floors of the property to ensure neighbours are not disturbed by barking

However, Mr Bullard states that there will be no provision for customers who will be advised to remain in their cars until their pets are ready for collection. 

Residents of Monmouth Close have objected to the application due to the increased traffic in the residential area.

However other official bodies such as Suffolk County Council's highway committee do not hold any reservations against the plans. 

In a pre-meeting report, officers wrote: "Approval is recommended subject to conditions."

For more information about planning notices visit the Public Notice Portal.