Suffolk New College students celebrated Suffolk Day by writing love letters to the county. 

The group of English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) learners were given the opportunity to explain why they love the county in a competition. 

Many students who took part reflected on how grateful they were to be free from danger since adopting the UK as their new home. 

Faisal Azis, 17, from Ipswich was one of the winners and as part of his entry he said: “I had a hard journey then luck brought me here.” 

Reflecting on his success he said: “I enjoyed doing the competition. I love living here in Suffolk – it is a national beauty. I feel welcome here. I’m very happy. I am going to spend the prize money (for winning the competition) on books.” 

Faisal Azis won £25 in the Suffolk New College, Suffolk Day writing competitionFaisal Azis won £25 in the Suffolk New College, Suffolk Day writing competition (Image: John Nice)
The other winner was Laeticia Lopes Vaz Natividade. In her entry, Laeticia, 17, who lives in Framlingham, described the castle as ‘breathtaking’. She said: “I like the people and British values. I was confident I was going to win. If I was to describe Suffolk I would say it is a friendly and amazing place.” 

Both winners won a £25 voucher.

Laeticia Lopes Vaz Natividade won one of two top prizes in the Suffolk New College Suffolk Day writing competitionLaeticia Lopes Vaz Natividade won one of two top prizes in the Suffolk New College Suffolk Day writing competition (Image: John Nice)
The runner up (Sihad Ali) described the place where he lives (Woodbridge) as ‘one of the happiest places to live’. Sihad received a certificate for his efforts. 

Another entrant, Ivan Shamsha, said in his entry that he always ‘hopes the Ipswich football team wins’.  

Sarah Nagra. an English teacher at Suffolk New College, helped organise the entries. She said: “Some of these students have only been learning English less than a year so I was incredibly impressed. Many reflected on their hardships and explained how proud they were to live in a place that they felt safe. It was very humbling.” 

Here are the winning entries:

Laeticia Lopes Vaz Natividade
My name is Laeticia Lopes Vaz Natividade.
I'm 17 and I live in Framlingham, East Suffolk.
I really love Suffolk because there are a lots of farms with cows, pigs, sheep and chickens - it’s very lovely to see that.
I love farms because I love animals so much. They are super cute and I think the castles here are breathtakingly big and beautiful.
In terms of college - I find it wonderful with good teachers and if you don’t understand something they will take the time to explain it to you correctly - and I like the fabulous food that is provided by the establishment.
My favourite moment is to go shopping and eating out with my friends.

Faisal Asiz
My name is Faisal Asiz, I’m 17 and live in Ipswich.
I love Suffolk because it has a lot of nature and old buildings.
I had a hard journey but luck brought me here.
I love the weather in Suffolk and what I like most about Suffolk is Ipswich where I live

All prizes were donated by Nice PR Ltd.