A much-vaunted new Suffolk seashore village, part of a seafront regeneration project, has attracted just four sales of the 27 beach huts on offer since the facility opened eight months ago.

When the Felixstowe seashore village opened in October, councillor Sarah Whitelock, East Suffolk Council's cabinet member for communities, leisure and tourism, said the venue near the pier would provide 'a really welcome enhancement to this vibrant part of Felixstowe'.

She added: “Alongside all the other high-quality facilities in the area, this should further strengthen Felixstowe’s tourism offer and provide another distinctive development for the town to be proud of.”

READ MORE: Felixstowe Seashore Village opens to provide 27 beach huts

But on Friday, a council spokesperson said four huts had been sold, with 'interest being shown' in the remaining huts.

He said: “We are pleased to have completed the sale of four beach huts at the seashore village and we are encouraged by the level of interest being shown in the remaining huts through our local agent, Fenn Wright.

“This is the first summer season since the opening of the seashore village and neighbouring activity park last autumn as part of the wider regeneration of Felixstowe seafront.

READ MORE: Felixstowe Seashore Village opens on Suffolk seafront

The official opening of Felixstowe seashore villageThe official opening of Felixstowe seashore village (Image: East Suffolk Council) “We are looking forward to welcoming visitors along to an ‘open hut’ event this summer to showcase the seashore village and allow people to view what’s on offer.

“We’re also keen to see the five beach chalets also at the seashore village coming into full use – these have been designed with accessibility and inclusivity in mind and are available for short-term hire.”

READ MORE: Felixstowe news

Prices for the huts range from £22,000 to £35,000 for a 15-year lease, with the option for a further five years.

But Felixstowe mayor David Rowe believed the apparent lack of demand for the huts reflected current market conditions, with potential buyers cutting back on expenditure due to the cost-of-living crisis.

"I don't think it is the development itself that is at fault. I suppose it is the times and the cost-of-living crisis with people cutting back and if you don't have the money, you are not going to go out and buy," he said.

READ MORE: Suffolk news

In any case, he believed the market would naturally regulate the prices of the huts, which would come down to achieve a sale.

He said: "I suspect beach huts have gone up a lot in price everywhere and I suspect at some point the market is going to say that the market has reached its optimum and if people want to sell then they will come to reduce the price."

The village, between Sea Road and the prom, also features an activity park, which opened in July and has a climbing wall, petanque piste, table tennis tables, accessible picnic benches and an outdoor space for workouts.