An Ipswich resident has raised concerns that easy access to an overgrown area and pond could be "potentially life-threatening", after a boy drowned in the pond some years ago.

The gate to the pond between Jovian Way and Sproughton Road was broken for some time, according to resident Benjamin Jones.

Further safety concerns were highlighted by residents over the overgrown area beyond the gate which may make it hard for members of the public to determine where the water begins.

The concerns follow an incident where a 15-year-old boy drowned in the pond in 2009.

A council spokesperson said the gate has now been fixed.

Mr Jones said: “The area has been left to go to ruin, and it seems to be being used as a dumping area, as directly beyond the gate is piles of grass cuttings, hedge cuttings, and leaves.

“I am concerned for the safety of people. The area either needs to be safely maintained for the public or locking up. It could be an area of beauty.

The area appears to be a dumping spot for grass cuttings.The area appears to be a dumping spot for grass cuttings. (Image: Benjamin Jones)

“I discovered this when I was taking my dog for a walk and I couldn’t find him, and he had gone past the broken gate.

“A boy drowned there, and it is just open for a small child, vulnerable adult, or someone’s dog to potentially get in trouble.

“It’s not particularly clear. You can be walking on soft leaves and cuttings and the next thing you know, you could be in the water."

Cllr Lucy Trenchard (right) reached out to IBC following the resident's concerns.Cllr Lucy Trenchard (right) reached out to IBC following the resident's concerns. (Image: Lucy Trenchard)

Councillor Lucy Trenchard, who represents the ward, said: "I have sought clarification of ownership of the land and can confirm that the land is partially owned by Ipswich Borough Council (IBC), and specifically the area containing the large pond with the access gate and the safety buoyancy aid.

"Other elements of the land, particularly the land abutting Bramford Road, are owned by other organisations.

"The IBC wildlife rangers were asked to attend the site and I can confirm that the gate has now been fully secured having found that the gate lock had been deliberately broken. Signage has been, or will shortly be, reinstated and the buoyancy aid re-fixed."

She added that estate management company Temples had also been contacted about using the land to deposit cuttings.

A spokesperson for Temples said that the company has been in touch with sub-contractors who are "unaware of the area being used as a dumping ground by their operatives".

Residents may also receive a letter asking them to not deposit garden rubbish on the land.

Cllr Trenchard added: "In addition, the IBC green open space site maintenance schedule has been updated to ensure a more regular maintenance visit is made to this location to ensure that all the safeguards are maintained."