A family plagued by mould mites that have infiltrated everything from walls to her baby's bottle has called for action. 

Chelsea Sheppard lives with her one-year-old daughter, her boyfriend and a dog in a council home based in northwest Ipswich.

She moved into a ground floor council flat two years ago but noticed right on entering that the walls were filled with mould that had just been painted over. 

However, the situation got worse on Monday morning (June 11) when Ms Sheppard noticed mites all over her house. 

She noticed mould mites over her daughter's bottleShe noticed mould mites over her daughter's bottle (Image: Chelsea Sheppard) Mould was seen growing across the flatMould was seen growing across the flat (Image: Chelsea Sheppard)

She said: "Suddenly you could see mould mites everywhere, on the walls, on food, on bottles. I can't feed my baby, the mites are all over her bottle.

"I have had to throw out my microwave, oven, toaster and kettle because they were infested with the mites."

For a week now she has not been able to cook or store food, having to opt to buy food from the shops that can be eaten immediately.

When she told the Ipswich Borough Council of this, she was told that pest control was the responsibility of the resident rather than the council.

The mites were first noticed on MondayThe mites were first noticed on Monday (Image: Chelsea Sheppard) The council initially told Mrs Sheppard that they could not do anythingThe council initially told Mrs Sheppard that they could not do anything (Image: Chelsea Sheppard)

A council officer did visit and extractor fans were put in place. 

"It kept getting worse and only on Thursday did they finally take it seriously," she added. 

"But even if they decide to fumigate the home they would not give me accommodation until next week, which is too long to go without proper food, especially for my child."

An Ipswich Borough Council spokesperson says: "Although pest control measures are the responsibility of Council tenants, Ipswich Borough Council is working closely with this tenant to find a swift solution that ensures they feel comfortable in their home.

"The council is committed to ensure all reasonable pest control measures will be taken quickly, whilst also providing temporary accommodation in order that our tenant is not subject to any personal financial impact whilst we address the pest control measures.

“In addition to these actions, the council has been proactive in seeking remedial works within the family’s home to address any factors that could influence the presence of mites. This includes targeted works around any damp/mould conditions."