Plans are being considered to allow contractor cabins at a waste site near Ipswich to operate for 24 hours a day.

The application, made to Suffolk County Council and validated on May 9, seeks an amendment to previous permission to install three contractor cabin units.

The plans were put forward by Suez Recycling and Recovery, a waste-management service with a site in Lodge Lane in Great Blakenham.

Approved in March, the plans for the new cabin units were allowed on condition that they would only operate between the hours of 6am to 10pm, to ensure the "amenity of neighbouring properties and the local environment".

The cabins, totalling 322 square metres, contain office facilities, eating facilities, showers and changing facilities.

According to a spokesperson from Suffolk County Council, the wider Energy from Waste facility is already able to operate for 24 hours a day, but the new contractor cabins have been tied to a condition that restricts heavy goods vehicles entering and leaving the side outside 6am to 10pm.

The new application asks that the cabins are used for 24 hours a day, in line with the wider facility.