A dealer who was caught with 59 wraps of cocaine and a man who ran a drug line supplying heroin and crack cocaine were among those jailed in Suffolk this week.

Dylan Zdrenka

Dylan Zdrenka was jailed for three yearsDylan Zdrenka was jailed for three years (Image: Suffolk police) Twenty-one-year-old Dylan Zdrenka was stopped and searched by police in Tacket Street in Ipswich and was found in possession of 59 wraps of cocaine and a mobile phone containing messages connected to drug dealing. 

He also had £280 in cash. 

Zdrenka, of Meadow Drive in Great Blakenham, was stopped alongside 22-year-old Joseph Dobbins, who was given a suspended sentence. 

Both admitted to possession of cocaine with intent to supply, with Zdrenka also admitting possessing criminal property. 

At the sentencing, Judge Nicola Talbot-Hadley accepted there was an element of coercion from people more criminally aware than the defendants. 

Steven Dyble, defending, also told the court how Zdrenka was only 16 and 17 when three earlier drug supply offences were committed and it would be an injustice if he was given statutory seven year minimum sentence.

Zdrenka was sentenced to three years in jail.

Ermal Zemzadja 

Ermal Zemzadja was jailed for two yearsErmal Zemzadja was jailed for two years (Image: Suffolk police)

On April 17 of this year, Ermal Zemzadja was stopped by police while driving in Barbara Stadbroke Avenue in Newmarket. 

Two phones, one of which contained messaging relating to the supply of drugs, were found in his possession.

A property was searched following his arrest and 10 sealed bags of cocaine were found inside. 

Zemzadja, of Shenley Road in Borehamwood, pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of cocaine and using a motor vehicle without insurance. 

At Ipswich Crown Court, he was jailed for two years.

Akeem Long

Akeem Long was jailed for four years and three monthsAkeem Long was jailed for four years and three months (Image: Suffolk police) Ipswich Crown Court heard how Akeem Long sent out bulk messages advertising the sale of heroin and crack cocaine while running the 'Tiny' drug line. 

The 31-year-old, of Dillwyn Street West in Ipswich, admitted being concerned in the supply of crack cocaine and heroin, possessing cannabis, obstructing a police officer and possessing criminal property. 

He was jailed for four years and three months and was made the subject of a serious crime prevention order for five years. 

Judge David Wilson found exceptional circumstances for not imposing a minimum seven-year jail sentence after hearing how Long had taken steps to address the offending behaviour.