War songs stirred fond memories for Ipswich care home residents, as live entertainers commemorated D-Day.

MHA Norwood organised a singalong, with both residents and staff taking part in the jolly revelry.

The event included a live singer who performed a variety of war-era music.

Participants transformed the home's lounge into a vibrant dance floor, creating a jovial atmosphere still remembered by those involved.

Ipswich Star: War songs revive memories for MHA Norwood care home residents on D-Day War songs revive memories for MHA Norwood care home residents on D-Day (Image: Submitted)

Julie Cosson, the activity coordinator, said: “This is the second time Georgina has come into the home and entertained us all.

“The residents had a great time, some of them gave requests, joined in with the singing and the atmosphere on the day was amazing."

MHA Norwood, which provides residential and dementia care, extended the invitation to the residents' family members.

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Those who attended were reportedly impressed with the energetic performance.

Ms Cosson added: “The songs triggered some war memories for our residents and you could see how much it meant to them.

"D-Day is a very important day in British history and we wanted to make sure everyone at MHA Norwood understood how important it is."