An Ipswich resident has spoken of his "stress" at having to carry his ill son to the train station after being blocked in by the "dangerous" parking situation in his street.

Residents in Gippeswyk Road, near Ipswich station, have spoken of broken bins, scratched cars, and fights in the street.

The no-through road is lined on one side by a single yellow line, meaning parking is only allowed outside of restricted times, but the road is always blocked, residents say.

Tony Ercan said his "worst experience" was not being able to drive his ill four-year-old son, Ali Hamza, to hospital around two months ago.

Ipswich Star: Tony Ercan and four-year-old son Ali Hamza.Tony Ercan and four-year-old son Ali Hamza. (Image: Tony Ercan)

Tony Ercan said: "Most of the time, ambulances cannot get into the road. I knew a taxi couldn't get in, so I had to carry my son on my shoulders to the train station to get a taxi from there.

"That was the worst issue I've had. I was almost crying to see my son in a situation like that. It was stressful.

"It was in the middle of the afternoon. It's like this 24 hours a day.

Ipswich Star: Parked cars lining both sides of Gippeswyk Road.Parked cars lining both sides of Gippeswyk Road. (Image: Mahir Newman)

"We are also expecting a baby this month. What if I need to take my partner to hospital during the night or day? I can't imagine."

Mahir Newman, who has lived in the street for ten years, added: "People are arguing here, hitting and breaking bins, scratching cars. With Ipswich Town in the Premier League, there will be many arguments here on match days.

"My neighbours and I want to move out. People will kill each other."

He added that he would like to see the road included in a residents' parking zone, or parking enforcement in place.

Ipswich Star: 'It's like this 24 hours a day,' Mr Ercan said.'It's like this 24 hours a day,' Mr Ercan said. (Image: Mahir Newman)

A spokesperson from Ipswich Borough Council said: "The borough council does enforce parking restrictions on Gippeswyk Road within the scope of the legislation.

"The borough council would be happy to discuss with residents what suggestions they may have for amendments to the parking restrictions in Gippeswyk Road, including a request for a residents' parking zone, which it will consider if the residents contact us to request this.

"Residents can do so by visiting:”