More than 20 students with complex needs will benefit from a new resource centre after it was approved by education bosses. 

Langer Primary Academy in Felixstowe made an application to the Department for Education to open two resource bases for children with complex needs in Ipswich and Felixstowe. 

The centre in Ipswich will be in Bramford Road and take 15 students, while the centre in Felixstowe will be at the school and have 12 students enrolled.

The academy is a part of Unity Schools Partnership which has several secondary, primary and special schools across East Anglia.

Jo Morgan-Soane, the school's headteacher said: "The reason for us to make this commitment is that both Unity and myself believe that it is really important that children with special needs have the provisions to meet their needs."

She added that schools can do more than just educate students, by helping their overall development, which is what she aims for these centres to do. 

Both centres will follow the Education, Health and Care plan, a legal document describing a child's special educational needs, and the outcomes they would like to achieve.

The plan would be provided to the school by the local authority and gives parents a chance to assess which institute they want to send their child to.

The school aims to open both these centres by September. 

"We hope that both centres can give the students and the young people what they need," the headteacher added. 

"This centre will give us an opportunity to actually meet their needs and talk to the students individually to figure out what we can do for them."

The centres will have one manager, who will oversee the operations from the school.

However, at the centre, each student would have a dedicated member of staff who would look after their needs and communicate with them on how best to address them.