A 43-year-old has appeared in court charged with 26 counts of fraud relating to taking money for holidays, clothes and camping equipment which they never received.

Donald O’Leary, of Bramford Road, appeared before Cardiff Magistrates’ Court on Thursday.

The 43-year-old stands accused of 26 counts of fraud by false representation, all of which allegedly occurred between October of 2019 and June of last year.

Eleven of these offences relate to O’Leary having supposedly offered the victims sale of a “holiday”, with O’Leary taking payments from the victims in six of these cases.

In relation to one offence, he is said to have taken three payments from a woman to whom he had promised a holiday in the Three Peaks.

He is said to have offered other victims “excursions in the UK and abroad” and items of clothing.

From one victim, he allegedly took payment for the repair and MOT of a vehicle, although there was no evidence of this work having been done, and offered the man the sale of two trips, for which he also received payment.

In another offence, O’Leary allegedly offered to source a van for a woman and convert it into a campervan.

He is accused of offering another woman the sale of camping equipment, namely a jet boil, and offered another man the sale of a PlayStation.

O’Leary will stand trial at Cardiff Crown Court on June 27.

He has been ordered to surrender his passport to police in Ipswich and has been ordered not to enter Wales for any reason besides court appearances.

He has also been placed under a curfew and has been ordered to remain inside his home in Bramford Lane between 9pm and 6am each evening.

He will also report to police in Ipswich between 12pm and 4pm each day.