Thousands of people are expected to travel to the Suffolk Show near Ipswich over the next couple of days - but what will the weather be like?

Those attending the huge event at Trinity Park are hoping for drier weather than what has been seen in Suffolk the past couple of weeks. 

However, the Met Office is warning of some heavy showers and possible thunder during the Suffolk Show - which takes place on Wednesday on Thursday.

READ MORE: Royal visitor expected at Suffolk Show

A spokesman for the Met Office said on Wednesday there will be variable amounts of cloud with scattered showers and some bright and sunny spells. 

Showers could turn heavy, thundery and prolonged during the afternoon. 

READ MORE: Everything you need to know about the Suffolk Show 2024

Temperatures could reach about 19C.

It is more of the same expected on Thursday with the Met Office warning of more heavy showers.

Thunderstorms could strike on Thursday, forecasters have said.