Increased traffic on nearby villages and the loss of rugby pitches are among the objections to a 660-home plan in north Ipswich. 

Ipswich Borough Council received an outline planning application for a site to the rear of Humber Doucy Lane and Tuddenham Lane by developers Barratt David Wilson and Hopkins Homes in April. 

Sports England has now submitted their objections to the plans as the proposed development would mean that the two rugby pitches used by Ipswich Rugby Club would no longer be in use. 

The national sports body said that the alternatives given by Barratt David Wilson did not meet their standards and demanded that provisions be made that can help the teams complete 37 match day sessions a week. 

Barratt David Wilson has been approached for a comment.

Ipswich Star: RFU wish to see evidence on why the two Rugby pitches are being removedRFU wish to see evidence on why the two Rugby pitches are being removed (Image: Stock image of Ipswich Rugby Club/Newsquest)

They also consulted the National Rugby Union which stated that the rugby club has grown year-on-year and needs to improve its facilities. 

"The RFU would wish to see evidence for the mitigation of the loss of the existing rugby pitches and training areas prior to the award of a planning permission," they added. 

Rushmere St Andrews Parish Council previously discussed the plans in their meeting and submitted objections to them. 

Similarly, Tuddenham St Martins Parish Council has also submitted objections to the plans. 

The parish council stated that Tuddenham Road will not be able to deal with the increased traffic in the village as a result of these plans.

They also argue that the traffic would make travelling on existing footpaths 'unsafe' meaning shops, neighbouring villages, and Westerfield Road Railway Station would be affected.

Finally, the parish council also objected to the plans because Northgate High School will have to deal with additional pupils from the development for which provision may not be available. 

The plans are close to the A12 assessed by Highways England, who will comment on the plan on May 31.

Meanwhile, Westerfield Parish Council is yet to give their decision on the application, Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Council do not have any comments and Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service say they should be consulted on water at the area.