SEND support, impeccable behaviour and wide ranging opportunities are amongst the things an Ipswich primary school has been praised for after retaining its good Ofsted rating.

St John's Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School, in Victory Road, was visited by the watchdog on February 27 and 28 with the report, published on April 25, stating the school retained its 'good' rating.

Inspectors said the evidence gathered during the inspection suggests this grade may be upgraded to outstanding at the next graded inspection. 

The report states pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive the right help to support their learning including guidance from well-trained teaching assistants.

Pupil behaviour was described as 'impeccable' and inspectors wrote: "They listen attentively to their teachers and engage readily with tasks.

"Pupils are polite. They treat their peers with kindness. They play cooperatively in the playground." 

The school received praise for the opportunities offered to the pupils, including clubs, sports clubs and Bible studies, as well as trips including residential trips for years five and six. 

Diversity was described as a 'key focus' of the curriculum and inspectors found pupils had "frequent opportunities to explore spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects of learning". 

The report reads: "Pupils at this school are enthusiastic learners. They are well mannered, polite and respectful. They are happy at school and talk about their learning with pride.

"There are exceptional working relationships between staff and pupils. Pupils are kind to each other. Pupils have faith in the adults at school and trust them to keep them safe." 

It states that pupils achieve highly in reading, writing and mathematics. 

St John's Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School has 207 pupils aged four to 11.