Central Suffolk and North Ipswich MP Dr Dan Poulter believes more Tory MPs could follow him and Dover's Natalie Elphicke and cross the floor of the House of Commons.

He said he would be contacting Ms Elphicke - who was dramatically introduced as a Labour MP by Sir Keir Starmer at Prime Minister's Questions on Wednesday - when MPs returned to Westminster next Monday.

But like the rest of the political world he was totally shocked when his new party's latest recruit was unveiled.

Dr Poulter shocked Westminster by quitting the Tories for Labour 10 days ago. 

But he only remained his party's newest MP for five days until Chris Webb was elected for Blackpool South last Thursday - and now Ms Elphicke.

Dr Poulter said: "I thought there could be two or three of my former colleagues following me, but to be honest I had not thought Natalie Elphicke would be one of them!"

She had a reputation for being on the centre-right of the Conservative Party and had supported the idea of sending failed asylum seekers to Rwanda.

Ipswich Star: Sir Keir Starmer with Natalie Elphicke after she crossed the floor to join the Labour Party.Sir Keir Starmer with Natalie Elphicke after she crossed the floor to join the Labour Party. (Image: PA)

However in her statement on crossing the floor she said that as the MP on the front line of the small boat crossings, it had become clear to her that the government's policy was not working and it was totally incompetent in dealing with the issue.

She also said its housing policy was totally inadequate and needed to support a party that was serious about dealing with that problem.

Dr Poulter added: "I shall get in touch with Natalie when we return to parliament next week. I'm sure she'll be getting a great deal of support from the Labour whips for the rest of this week but when we get back next week it could be more difficult.

"Westminster is very tribal and there will be people trying to make life difficult so I'll try to help where I can. One of my medical colleagues said to me when I was talking about this 'It sounds a bit like a snake pit' and it can be a bit like that at times!"

He still feels other former colleagues could make a similar move - especially if the Prime Minister continues to delay calling a General Election.

Back in 2009 Ms Elphicke had tried to get the Conservative nomination for West Suffolk, which was eventually  given to Matt Hancock - who is also an Ex-Tory MP now having lost the whip after his trip to the Australian jungle. He now sits as an independent.