A village football club has set out to raise £1million pounds for a new 3G pitch to ensure its growth and offer more for the community.

Capel Plough Football Club, based in Capel St Mary, is hopeful of building the new pitch on its current site.

As it stands, due to it being a grass pitch, there is a year-round risk of flooding and in winter months, the risk of frozen pitches.

The 3G pitch would eliminate this risk, making the club able to use the pitch all year round, as well as hire it out to others, bringing additional income into the club.

Ipswich Star: The pitch just a month ago at the start of JanuaryThe pitch just a month ago at the start of January (Image: Capel Plough FC)

The project is backed by both Capel St Mary Community Trust and the football club.

Gareth Millar, who is chairperson at the football club but also a trustee of the community trust, said: "It's difficult to train on the pitch throughout the winter.

"Over the winter, we have a lot of blank weekends due to non-playable surfaces.

"From a club's perspective, it would allow fixtures to be played when they should be played, allows training to happen and it makes us a little more attractive."

Chris Whitley, chairperson of the Capel St Mary Community Trust, said: "Not everyone is interested in football.

Ipswich Star: The pitch just a month ago at the start of JanuaryThe pitch just a month ago at the start of January (Image: Capel Plough FC)

This development would enable us to free up space and use the area more often.

"We want to sort the space out a bit more and this sort of thing can then be used for longer periods of time with the addition of floodlights that come with the development."

Planning permission to do the work has already been granted by Babergh District Council, while the club is appealing for businesses to help fund the pitch, and in return an advertisement hoarding will be placed by the new facility.

To get in contact, email fundraising@capelploughfc.co.uk